Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Jill and Chris

As some of you may or may not know Jill and Chris are moving to Tennessee at the end of this week, so Heidi and John decided it was time to try and get everyone together for their last weekend in Indiana. Dave and Rae were playing on the Fishers Town hall lawn. It was a great night with a great group. There were plenty of drinks, stories, and laughs. We ended up at Fionn MacCools for some more drinks and some bag pipes....yes I said bag pipes!!

Heidi, Jillie, Me

Chris and Stacey

Kurt and Jaime

Kurt telling the now FAMOUS Jimmy Buffet Bicycle story!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I did not know they were moving. It looks like everyone had a good time. Be sure to tell Jillie & Chris I said good luck.

Kris' Mom